Thanks for visiting the Ohio Burning website. This is a depository for various projects I have undertaken relating to fire and EMS, mostly in rural Ohio. My focus areas are:
- Rural Water Supply: Including water shuttles and development of alternative sources of supply for areas without municipal water systems; tying in hydrology and natural resources management with the needs of the rural fire service
- Wildfires: Especially the problem of wildfires occurring in areas dominated by agriculture, and the special challenges faced by communities and fire departments in these areas, which are often overlooked by the national and state wildland agencies
- Community Risk Reduction: Focusing on mitigating challenges of special concern to rural communities, such as limited resources and long response times
- Prescribed Fire: Overcoming the challenges of implementing a prescribed fire program where this is still a somewhat novel concept, and getting the maximum value out of it in terms of both ecosystem objectives and fire service training
Everything on this site is something that I have produced in my various roles with the following organizations:
- Water Supply Technical Advisory Committee (WSTAC), The Ohio Fire Chiefs’ Association (OFCA)
- Technical Committee on Wildland and Rural Fire Protection, The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
- Bellefontaine Fire & EMS, in Bellefontaine, Ohio
- Macochee Joint Ambulance District, in West Liberty, Ohio
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